舊歌又來了!來自家喻戶曉的凱蒂 Teenage Dream裡面的一首嗆辣歌曲




不 他的愛可能沒有你想像的偉凡



掰掰 你只會跟毒相處 不理我 你真的很爛


這首歌是凱蒂說明與Gym Class Heroes主唱Travis McCoy的感情世界


明明可以好好用力生活 活出自我

卻整天選擇用藥狂歡 讓這段戀情走向破裂的境界







Circle The Drain 乾涸之愛


This is the last time you say
你的錯誤 重蹈覆轍
After the last line you break
重三疊四 酩酊爛醉
It's not even a holiday, nothing to celebrate
假日還沒過 你慶祝什麼?
You give a hundred reasons why
You say you're really gonna try
If I had a nickle for every time, I'd own the bank
若犯錯值五分錢 我已可開家銀行


Thought that I was the exception
I could rewrite your addiction
You could've been the greatest
But you'd rather get wasted


You fall asleep during foreplay
前戲當頭 呼呼大睡
Cause the pills you take are more your forte
濫用藥物 一無所長
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down
我不逗留 看你自甘墮落
Wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother
想當你戀人 不是他媽的母親大人
Can't be your savior, I don't have the power
超越所能 無法救贖
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain
不再留下 看著毒蟲輾轉
Watch you circle the drain, watch you circle the drain
一而再三 噩夢輪迴


You say it helps you write your rhymes
澄清毒品 可帶靈感
Whatever helps you sleep at night
那只是你 白日做夢
You've become what you despise, a stereotype [註1]
你已成自己鄙視之人 典型黑人癮君子
You think you're so rock and roll
自比巨星 半毛不像
But you're really just a joke
Had the world in the palm of your hands
歌紅全美 大好前途
But you fucking choked


Should've been my teammate
Could've changed your fate
You say that you love me
You won't remember in the morning
朝日來臨 早已全忘


You fall asleep during foreplay
前戲當頭 呼呼大睡
Cause the pills you take are more your forte
濫用藥物 一無所長
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down
我不逗留 看你自甘墮落
Wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother
想當你戀人 不是他媽的母親大人
Can't be your savior, I don't have the power
超越所能 無法救贖
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain
不再留下 看著毒蟲輾轉
Watch you circle the drain, watch you circle the drain
一而再三 噩夢輪迴


You fall asleep enduring foreplay
龍雲殢雨 睡的忘我
Cause the pills you take are more your forte
藥效強性 優越了你
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down
不再轉頭 看你蹂躪自我
Wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother
本當愛人 卻成為你娘
Can't be your savior, I don't have the power
連救世主 也無能為力
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain
才不坐著 看你蛻化變質
Watch you circle the drain, watch you circle the drain
光芒褪化 墮落成性


You're going down, You're going down, You're going down
墮落 已成 你的代名詞


You fall asleep during foreplay
龍雲殢雨 睡的忘我
Cause the pills you take are more your forte
藥效強性 優越了你
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down
不再轉頭 看你蹂躪自我


【註1】這裡的Stereotype應當是指Travis討厭有刻板印象的人 例如: 為什麼黑人就一定是會吸毒的人


【收錄於2010年Teenage Dream】


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